The National Organization of Broadcasters (NAB) has started airing PSAs on the DTV transition on television to make viewers aware that "on February 17, 2009, television goes all-digital". The PSAs are also promoting the fact that over-the-the digital television provides more channels, that is, the DTV multicasts. The PSAs invite viewers to get information at which lists options for getting televisions ready for the transition, if needed, who would be affected by the transition, and links to news, resources, and the converter box coupon application site. Look for the spots on your TV soon.
Additionally, the NAB has now become a partner sponsor of , the Web site that allows consumers to see what DTV channels are available over the air in their area, and what type of antenna will be required to get the channels. The site originally was solely sponsored by the Consumer Electronics Association (CEA), but now both organizations are sponsoring this informative site, which on its home page provides links to both the organizations' repsective DTV information sites.
One more thing - on the DTVAnswers site, if you click on the "Choosing An Antenna" tab, you will see a picture of a Winegard SharpShooter SS-3000 antenna on top of a tube DTV, so I guess I know what indoor antenna the NAB prefers, at least in terms of marketing looks. Also, they are smart to mention the local stations' likelihood of moving their broadcasts to different frequencies.